The RQA Endowment Series embodies the fundamental tenets of institutional capital management and provides robust turn-key portfolios to advisors and individual clients in a disciplined yet approachable manner. By incorporating dynamic models that adjust portfolios based on prevailing economic and market conditions, the RQA Endowment Series strives to provide enhanced and more stable returns by emphasizing better balance and diversification. In an industry often marked by static investment models, the Endowment Series strikes a balance by seamlessly integrating long-term focused endowment methodologies with tactical portfolio optimization techniques.



The convergence of these four pillars is designed to forge a more resilient and reliable investment approach that caters to improving long-term portfolio outcomes.


true diversifiers

Incorporating asset classes and strategies with fundamentally unique return profiles aims to reduce overall portfolio risk by meaningfully improving diversification.


factor tilts

Rooted in over a century of academic literature and market research, titling portfolios towards a variety of predictive factors has been shown to generate outperformance.


dynamic allocation

Utilizes fundamental economic data and market technical data to transition asset class positions as economic environments and market conditions evolve.


capital efficiency

Using the latest liquid investment vehicles to capture more efficient dollar allocations to traditional assets, while freeing up capital to enhance portfolio diversification and balance.

Invest in the RQA Endowment series

RQA’s Endowment Portfolio Series are offered to individual investors and advisors within separately managed accounts (SMAs), third party asset management platforms (TAMPs), and model index delivery solutions.